50 Things Every
OSS Professional Knows
We wouldn’t be able to operate without this essential knowledge…

The difference between MBps and Mbps
How to not sound pedantic when correcting someone’s use of B or b
How a landline telephone works with just two wires and no protocol stack
Where not to eat in Nice
You don’t put your phone on the table when in town for MWC
The great stuff you can do with your data if it’s relational
The great stuff you can do with your data if it’s columnar
IP is deeply flawed
When to host locally
When to host in the cloud
One good bitmap editor
The sales team can only open PPT files
The Erlang
Dijkstra routing
An STM-16 frame used to sound *really big*
STS-48 and STM-16 are basically the same, depending where you come from
The difference between a serial port, a VGA port, and a 1980s joystick port
Your users want the solution to look good on their CV, or help them go home on time, or both
How to explain it takes another six months of R&D, even though you just showed them the PoC working
The OSS software industry started as a way to replace TIRKS. It failed
Why your developers don’t want to use Oracle anymore
What Oracle got right
The measurable RoI benefit of new OSS is to business, not operations
The biggest impact new BSS has on your IT is in operations
The cost of free software
The value of a commercial license
You can have more compute resources on your desk today than British Telecom had to run their OSS twenty years ago
The theoretical optimal solution rarely works IRL
Undoing a change on the network is 1000x harder than undoing a design in a database
Microsoft Office is probably the #1 OSS platform
Why you can’t ‘just do it in Excel?’
Enough about VBA to know why it’s evil for anything other than a bit of document formatting
Never attend a meeting on an empty stomach
Never hoard technical expertise
Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas
Automated systems working with poor data…. don’t work
But poor data is not an excuse for a failed project
If available data is poor, your highest value project is making something out of it
Parallelising tasks
Whether you process is compute, I/O, or memory bound
When to use synchronous or asynchronous interfaces
The pros and cons of every decade’s fashionable API technology: CORBA to SOA to RESTful
How to prototype a system integration over email
The Mythical Man Month
Joel On Software
When to use Trello. When to go full-Project
The best service stations west of London
The fastest way to transfer through DFW, CDG and DXB
For everything else, there’s The Guide to Modern OSS